Thursday, May 6, 2010

Say "cheese!"

 Finally Snuffy and I made it to the airport and parked the car. We were five minutes late.

"Let's go!" said Snuffy, who was wearing his now cowboy hat and cowboy boots. He leapt out of the car. "We're late because you were driving so slow!"

I didn't bother telling Snuffy we were late because of his unplanned shopping trip. I was too worried about finding Owen and Adele and making sure they didn't wait too long. It was their first time flying anywhere by themsevles! "Can you walk a little faster?" I said to Snuffy.

But he couldn't walk very fast because of the new cowboy boots. Snuffy had bought not just one, but TWO pairs of cowboy boots, so he could have a boot on all four legs!  Now he was walking very, very slowly because of it.

People walking by with their suitcases turned and stared at Snuffy. They had never seen a pug in a cowboy hat and boots before. One lady in a puffy blue jacket stopped as she walked by and said, "Oh, that is the most darling thing I've ever seen! Do you mind if I take a photo?"

"Well, we're kind of in a hurry - " I started to say, but Snuffy interrupted me.

"Yes, of course you can take a photo!" he said. "Let me just strike an interesting pose. My left side is my best, you know. My nose doesn't look quite so flat on that side."

"But Snuffy," I said, "We're late! Owen and Adele are waiting! We need to get to the dude ranch!"

Snuffy didn't hear me because he was busy posing. And before I knew it, he was surrounded by people taking photos of him. Cameras whirred and clicked. The crowd closed in around Snuffy. I couldn't even see him anymore!

"Wow!" "Have you ever seen anything like that!" "Is that pug a professional model?" I heard people say.

I looked at my watch. Now we were 15 minutes late to meet Owen and Adele! I didn't want them to get scared or lost in the airport. I had to do something, and I had to do it quickly.

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