Friday, May 14, 2010

A mysterious message from Owen and Adele

 Flashbulbs whirred. Shutters clicked. It was as if Snuffy were a movie star the way people were taking pictures of him!

The photographers showed no signs of stopping either, even though we were now 15 minutes late to get Owen and Adele.

"Would you like my autograph?" I heard Snuffy say.

Suddenly I had an idea.

"Hey everyone," I said, "there are the famous movies stars Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and their six children!"

"What?" "Huh?" All the people taking pictures of Snuffy turned to look at me. "Where?!"

I pointed in the direction of a large family who had their back to us, walking toward their car with lots of suitcases.  "There!" I said.

Poof! All of a sudden the photographers were gone. A cloud of dust rose up behind them as the chased after the large family.  Then I snatched Snuffy up off the ground and ran.

We ran all the way through the parking garage, then down an escalator, then up an escalator. Then we ran through a long hallway into the airport terminal. I stopped at the big sign to see where Owen and Adele's gate was.

"Yeehaw!" said Snuffy. "Giddyup!"

"I'm...(gasp)...not...(gasp)...a horse!" I tried to say, but I was too out of breath.

Just then, an announcement came over the loudspeaker.

"Would Aunt Becky and Snuffy please report to the Alaska Airlines service desk?"

Snuffy and I looked at each other.

"We have an important, top-secret message for you from Owen and Adele. Repeat, Aunt Becky and Snuffy please report to the Alaska Airlines service desk immediately."

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