Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Pug needs a cowboy hat

"OK," said Snuffy, "I am almost ready to go the dude ranch." He zipped up his small, tidy suitcase.

"Great," I answered. "I'm packed too! In an hour, Owen and Adele will be getting here on the airplane and we can go to the airport to pick them up." Then I tried to zip my own suitcase, which was very big and messy, with clothes spilling out every which way.

"An hour? But that's not enough time!" said Snuffy.

"What do you mean?" I sat on my suitcase to see if that would help me zip it.  "I thought you were ready to go."

"I said I was almost ready to go," said Snuffy. "There's a big difference between being ready and being ALMOST ready.

"Oh?" I said in a distracted way. I pulled and pulled on the zipper of my suitcase, but  still, it wouldn't zip. I had too many things in it.

But what would I take out? I had seven pairs of underwear, six t-shirts, five pairs of socks, four pairs of shoes, three pairs of pants, two dresses, and one sweater. I needed every single one of those things!

"Your suitcase looks a little full," said Snuffy in a very superior voice. "You need to learn to pack light - like me." 

"Well, I said, it's a little easier when you're a pug - you don't wear clothes!" 

"You might be right about that," said Snuffy. "But pugs do wear cowboy hats!" 

I looked at him in astonishment. "They do? How do you know that?" 

"I saw it on the Internet," he said, as if it were obvious. "And now, before we pick Owen and Adele up at the airport, we must go find one for me! Please hurry up and get your suitcase zipped because this is very important." 

Photo courtesty of

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