Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dog Kibble Cupcakes

Snuffy told me that he would like to get a cupcake today.

And you know what I said?

"Ha ha ha ha. Dogs can't eat cupcakes!" But then I said, "Snuffy, I think it is an excellent idea for ME to get a cupcake but you can come along and watch me eat it! How does that sound?"

Then I added, "Plus, it will be great excerise for you because we'll have to walk all the way up to the top of Queen Anne Hill to the new cupcake shop there called Wink Cupcakes that I am very excited to try! And when we get to the top I will give you a baby carrot!"

"Thanks so much for the idea, Snuffy!" I said. "What kind of cupcake do you think I should get?"

Snuffy stared at me for a few seconds, in that way he has when he's annoyed. Then he said, "I hear their dog kibble cupcake is delicious!"

Photo courtesy of Wink Cupcakes

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